So yeah, I’m just a little bit late on my Dragon Con recap…
4 min read
Hanako (@hmrpotter) with Evanna Lynch at Dragon Con 2014. Photo by Froggy's Photos
…I mean, it’s only been two weeks since it ended. I’m still suffering from PCD (post-con depression), combined with the hustle and bustle of real life, but I at least want to talk about some highlights.
My Dragon Con was a bit different this year because I didn’t actually get to do much. I spent a whole week prior to Dragon Con SICK, and so by the time it was here, I was physically exhausted. But here are a few highlights from the weekend:
Friday: I got to attend only one panel on Friday and it was one of the main ones I wanted – Karl Urban. Let me tell you, I’ve been attending Dragon Con since 2007, and have attended other cons as well, and this was one of the best panels I’ve been to. From the time he hit the stage to the time he walked off, there was nothing but nonstop laughter, jokes, memorable anecdotes and wisdom. He told about the pranks he likes to pull on set with the cast and crew, and spoke very highly of some of his co-stars, especially Vin Diesel. I even got to ask him a question – his answer can be seen in the clip below:
All in all, it was worth the three-side-of-the-hotel-wall wait in line. :)
Saturday: Was a pretty cut and dry day. I worked at Froggy’s Photos, manning the tables where people could stash their stuff while they waited for photo ops. Was able to get my photo taken with Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter movies), so that pretty much made my day. However, due to some miscommunication issues regarding my badge, I couldn’t stay for the evening and went home early. Again, it was probably a good thing because after working all day I was exhausted. Having con crud before the actual con sucks, in case you didn’t know.
But my picture with Evanna was pretty damn awesome! :)

And as an unexpected bonus, I went to Starbucks to do a coffee run for the staff, and bumped into Osric Chan, who plays the prophet Kevin Tran on Supernatural. He was there not as an official guest, but as a con attendee, but was still nice enough to take a photo with me. Such a sweet guy!

Sunday: Sunday turned out to be the best day for me. I participated in a panel for the Whedonverse track, called “Growing Up to Save the World”, where we discussed teenage antagonists in shows/books such as Teen Wolf, Harry Potter, Buffy, and others (the discussion got taken over by Teen Wolf discussion, which was totally okay with me since my daughter got me addicted to the show over the summer).
After that, I FINALLY got to do something I had been waiting the whole weekend for: meeting Cat, the founder of the podcast I get to occasionally co-host, Sci-Fi Party Line. Cat and I have now known each other for about 5 years, and this was the first time we had been able to meet in person. And then (even though I’m so ridiculously out of touch with anything Whedon-related on TV), I went with her to the “Agents of Whedon” panel, where I got a chance to see Carl (another co-host from SFPL), whom I hadn’t seen since 2011(?) Anyway, that was also a fun panel to go to, and it made me want to sit my tail down and get around to knocking off Buffy and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. from my “need to watch” list.
Next year, I will definitely make it a point to do more during the con, as there was so much I missed this year. I will be sure to take my Vitamin C, pack my Zicam, and whatever else I’ll need to be energized and ready!